This is seriously the saddest list of "celebrity" citings I have ever seen. Who the fuck is Jeff Gannon?
Ceci n'est pas une "dating blog."
This is seriously the saddest list of "celebrity" citings I have ever seen. Who the fuck is Jeff Gannon?
So my coworker has colon cancer and he called to ask me if his doctor had by any chance FAXed the results of his latest colonscopy to the office, and if so, could I kindly read it to him over the phone?
You'd think somebody might have looked into the city's graffiti laws before doing this. Reason #801 why "communications work" is not rocket science.
Can I create in one day? 20? 30? 10? 5? Luckily, and "Good Doctor" will back me up on this, I only have 2 RSS feed readers, so it's not like anyone will be overwhelmed with reading material or anything. Stay tuned for more as my evil plan continues to unfold.
...you could just make shit up as you go along. seriously, why did i never think of being a "reporter"? This is great--shooting the shit with new people, them thinking you have power because you tape record stuff. Being nosey for an f'en living? what what? Writing 24-7? It's like blogging, only credible and stuff.
What is the most hung-over you have ever been at work?
...I heard you say something endearingly idiotic in an attempt to be funny I rewarded you with a sloppy kiss on the lips. We were in the elevator in your apartment and we were heading to your car so you could drive me home.
Just for kicks, I am going to start listing some beliefs that I hold that others might disagree with. I will edit this list throughout the day. Hopefully that won't mess up any RSS feeds or whatever.
No offense to the 23 year-olds I know but, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? How can people just barely out of college, most likely still growing their land legs in regards to assimilating into the workplace be at all qualified to write a management guide for women? I think of my own professional self at that age, shortly before I learned that I wasn't always right and that my simple English BA entitled me to very little at work, that I might have to prove myself in order to gain the respect of my managers. Even six years later I like to believe myself a little wiser, but nowhere near qualified to tell my manager how to do her job. Kids these days. What is it about Gen Y that makes them so damned insightful and better than the rest of us?
Apologies for the lack of entries this week. I've been battling a case of consumption and have been too high on cough syrup to feel particularly creative. Today's entry comes from the Women's Information Network's list-serve and represents a new glimmer of hope for women in South Dakota who may ever need an abortion, soon to be almost impossible thanks to the state's legislators. It's also a rather clever means of circumventing state laws. As shitty as our treatment of Native American tribes as been over the past couple hundred years, the presence of reservations does create some interesting inroads for political resistance.
This just came out on a PR list serve I belong to:
Happy Tuesday, dear readers! Do you know what today is? It is a glorious one for several reasons. Today there is a holiday for just about anyone, great news for those of you bummed to see the 80 degree weather of the past few days go bye-bye. Holiday 1: National Potato Chip Day Holiday 2: REDACTED
Darling, Where do I start? This has been a gradual seduction, this situation between you and I. I have had plenty of crushes in the past, even those on inanimate objects introduced to me by vehicles of mass communication. This thing with you began when, entrenched deep in my boob tube coma, a series of flickering images danced before my eyes--women in fabulous mini-dresses, boobs up to *here*, glossy pink lips, glossy pinkness everywhere in fact, slogans of independence, irreverence, kookiness, daring me to become who I am, especially as long as that "amness" purchases $2.10 cans of icky sweet carbonated "energy drink" goodness. Well, I finally caved. I found you today at the 7-11 near work. What I really wanted was a Diet Coke, my beverage of choice since the 8th grade, my wife in the world of thirst quenchers, the elixir I have depended on since forever to give me that much needed caffeine and carbonation boost while tricking my stomach into thinking it is full. Leaving the store, popping my iPod ear buds into place and pressing play (the song: the Cure's Just Like Heaven. An omen? Alas, not) I plucked a Parliament Light from its pack and cracked you open, eager to experience whatever was contained inside your fetching pink and silver container. Actually, lets pause for a moment to discuss your outfit. Given the fact that you market yourself as an "energy drink" your countenance is tall and slender, like Red Bull which seems to have set the sartorial standard for what beverages of your kind should wear, just like Britney Spears once established that pop stars need to wear hip slung denims and belly shirts. Like the vintage Tab cans of yesteryear, you are bright pink. In a playful nod towards being the next evolution of tab, you wear a sort of silver grid pattern. Written in the same font as traditional Tab, is your logo (Tab), that probably once looked futuristic but now seems exceedingly retro. You remind me of the latest incarnation of Madonna. Like her, you've adopted a late-70's early 80's aesthetic, moderately updated for the new millennium, and like Madonna this is a nod to the era in which you first sprung forth into our collective consciousness. Also like Madonna, I wholly preferred you the first time around.
I realized I haven't posted anything of substance since my bummed out entry of last week. Since then I have started entries about such subjects as the advent or spring (more chirping birds=spring, I don't care what the naysayers thinks--chirping birdies do not lie); the "JT Leroy" literary hoax; my Saturday night (hot outfit + trying to find boys for my friends to hook up with + drunk Cap Lounge bartender losing my check card + nightmarish run-in with insane cab driver= impromptu visit to jail at 4:00 am and a scolding from the Capitol Police. I shit you not); and my thoughts on inter-office hookups, but I can't seem to flesh any of these out into anything worth reading. Plus, lately I've been feeling slightly more proprietary over my personal life. But because I feel like posting something today, I am going to make a list.
CNN.com is reporting that the long-running dispute over Blackberrys has been resolved.