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Thursday, March 23, 2006

Hope for Choice in SD

Apologies for the lack of entries this week. I've been battling a case of consumption and have been too high on cough syrup to feel particularly creative. Today's entry comes from the Women's Information Network's list-serve and represents a new glimmer of hope for women in South Dakota who may ever need an abortion, soon to be almost impossible thanks to the state's legislators. It's also a rather clever means of circumventing state laws. As shitty as our treatment of Native American tribes as been over the past couple hundred years, the presence of reservations does create some interesting inroads for political resistance.

The President of the Oglala Sioux Tribe—Cecilia Fire Thunder, the first woman President they’ve ever had—has decided to build a PP clinic on her land, over which the state of South Dakota has no jurisdiction.

Information about supporting the clinic (and/or the tribe) is posted below. Please donate if you can, send a letter of support if you can’t, and either way, FOWARD VERY WIDELY.

If you want to mail donations to the reservation, you may do so at:

Oglala Sioux Tribe
ATTN: President Fire Thunder
P. O. Box 2070
Pine Ridge, SD 57770

OR: and this may be preferred, due to mail volume:

PO BOX 990
Martin, SD 57751

Make checks out to OST Planned Parenthood Cecelia Fire Thunder. This will ensure that the funds get routed properly.


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