hey pretty
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- I have to go away next week for work and I don't w...
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Hey Procrastination!
Plagarism kills kittens. All content property of Hey Pretty unless otherwise attributed
Because deep down, in the inner workings of all that is natural and pure, it is all about Oprah.... everything. Cute puppies? Oprah. Natural disasters? Oprah. My wicked hangover from last weekend? Oprah... and Jack Daniels.
- DS
No kidding. I admit, I used to be a huge fan, I got her magazine, watched her show, read her website. Then one day, it hit me. She's on EVERY DANG over of her own magazine. I know it's hers and whatever, but still. Then, I noticed that she constantly cuts off her guests midsentence to relate her own experience. Plus, she always does the huge fake smile right at the camera, not even to her guests face. It's just getting a little too much...
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