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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Special "Working From Home" Edition

I was awaken at 4:00 am this morning by the sound of hail droplets pinging off the back of my window-unit air conditioner. Are you familiar with that special noise? To the unindoctrinated, it sounds like the coming of the apocalypse. Not fun, and not conducive to proper shut-eye. After lying in bed for a good hour, I tuned in to the local news forecasts. Snow, ice, blah, blah, try not to go out if you can avoid it. An hour later, I was still fully awake, but luckily it was time to check my work voicemail to learn the status of our office openings and closings.

We don't follow the Federal Government, we follow the Montgomery County Government, which seems far less hip to the idea of letting its workers avoid weather-related treacheries.

The verdict: Liberal leave. In our world, that translates to "hope you have a computer at home, because if so, you'll have the luxury of working from your dining room, unlimited supply of tea and scrambled eggs and Russian bread just five feet away."

Normally people equate working from home with slacking, but the irony of the situation is that today has been mad busy. Everyone on my team is all into calling conference calls from home, updating on deliverables, blah blah.

So after a nice nap from 6:30 to 10:00, here I am, in a flannel shirt and yoga pants, doing my best to be a good little worker bee.


Blogger Kristin said...

I was right there with you at 4 a.m., desperately trying to block out the noise of ice on the windowsill, steps and door. Ugh.

I did work from home this morning but realized (long story short) that I had to come into the office. I'm one of three here now. And reading blogs... I should return to the comfort of my couch.

6:04 PM  
Blogger Frankly, Scarlett said...

Awwww! i'm so jealous! i want to wear yoga pants!

6:15 PM  
Blogger Melissa said...

Is "Liberal Leave" the same thing as "Black Tie Optional?"

You are better than I. After I called and said I wasn't coming in, I slept until 11.

9:46 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

That pinging woke me up too, unfortunately I had to go in to work no matter what the weather, and as a result of the pinging keeping me awake I got to work at 6:45 am, which is about 2 hours early. I couldn't take the pinging anymore.

11:38 PM  

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