hey pretty

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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Getting Old But Not Really

I can't seem to shake the feeling these days whenever I go out that my city is becoming over-run by 23 year olds. Not that I have a problem with 23 year olds, but I used to feel like I was surrounded by people my own age when I was out at bars, but no longer. Five years ago, I thought living in Adams Morgan would be the coolest thing ever. But now when I dash across the bridge from beloved yet staid Woodley Park, I find myself mired in a jungle of post-adolescent libidinousness. When did this start to happen? Last weekend even the Capitol Lounge was over flowing with folks who appeared to have graduated from college like, yesterday. It's enough to make a girl feel old, which is a rediculous way for a 28-year old to feel.

What Hey Pretty wants to know is, where can a late 20-something go to be social and imbibe and not feel like a wrinkled-up old hag? I'm starting a list below, dc natives reading this can feel free to add on in the comments section below. Meanwhile, I feel it is my civic duty to point out the summer concerts are currently go on at Fort Reno. So get thee to Tenleytown stat to see some good free indie rock.

Places for the Not That Young, Not Yet Old to Drink

Stetsons (although sometimes too crowded)
DC 9 (most of the time)
Bourbon (good luck getting there)
Aroma (best to go there on days when Krishna bartends, although the others are cool too)
Rendezvous (good dj on Wednesdays)

What am I missing? I'd especially appreciate comments on the Georgetown scene, which I know nothing at all about...


Blogger MJW said...

I'm a very big fan of Tunnicliffe's on Capitol Hill. It's a neighborhood place, but not the kind where Hill interns hang out.

7:31 PM  

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