hey pretty

Ceci n'est pas une "dating blog."

Friday, April 16, 2004

since as heather would say, blogs are so five minutes ago, i am finally relishing the opportunity to launch one, secure in my knowledge that i can't possibly be doing this to be hip. (speaking of hip, did anyone catch the shins on gilmore girls this week? not that we should be surprised, this is a show that cast adam brody before there ever even *was* an adam brody).

Hey Pretty is inspired by this article in the Washington Post, a shallow and catty reflection on the fashion choices of former Attorney General Janet Reno. As somebody who works in progressive politics in Washington, DC I try to limit the amount of politics that I dwell over in my personal life for fear of burnout and becoming a total bore (or boar). However, after reading this article I felt that I could not let this opportunity pass.

I have created Hey Pretty in an attempt to even out the playing field for women just a bit. Granted, feminism has brought us a long way, but columns such as Robin Givhan's clearly show that we have not come far enough. Hey Pretty will attempt to view prominent men through the same lens that our society insists on regarding women, while showing that it is possible to be funny and still be a feminist. It will also be a forum for calling out other women on socially regressive, unconstructive, and petty behavior and attiudes. Contributions and comments are welcome at any time. Thanks for stopping by. Viva Hey Pretty!


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